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- Office : À§´ç°ü 612È£
- Phone : 02-2123-2437 / Fax: 02-365-4354
- E-mail : lee82@yonsei.ac.kr
- Á¿ì¸í : “Don’t let others define you; It is only you who can define who you are and what you are.” (D-G. Lee)


- Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Yonsei University (2015. 9. ~)
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Yonsei University (2010. 9. ~ 2015. 8.)
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Yonsei University (2006. 9. ~ 2010. 8)
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Educational Studies, Purdue University (2003~06)
- Psychology Intern, Student Health Center, University of Georgia, Athens (2002)


- Ph.D. (Counseling Psychology), University of Missouri-Columbia
- M.A. (Counseling Psychology), Seoul National University
- B.A. (Psychology), Seoul National University



- Perfectionism and Procrastination
- Self-Worth and Locus of Evaluation
- Positive Psychology and Mental Health
- Stress Coping and Problem Solving


Refereed Journal Articles

- Park, H-J., Lee, D-G., & Yang, N. M. (2014). Life satisfaction in middle-aged Kroeans: Mediating effects of domain-specific self-esteem satisfaction, and sex differences. Psychological Reports, 115(1), 1-15.

- Lee, D-G., & Park, H-J. (2011). Cross-cultural validity of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism  Scale  in Korea. The Counseling Psychologist, 39(2), 320-345.

- Lee, D-G., Suh, H., & Lee, H-K. (2011). Factor structure of the Perfectionistic Self-Presentation Scale in Korea. Psychological Reports, 109, 990-1000.

- Park, H-J., Heppner, P. P., & Lee, D-G. (2010). Maladaptive coping and self-esteem as mediators between perfectionism and psychological distress. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 469-474.

- Lee, D-G., Park, H-J., & Heppner, M-J. (2009). Do clients



A. Conference Presentations

- Shin, J., & Lee, D-G. (October, 2010). Self-oriented perfectionism and affect after failure in academically
             talented adolescents: The mediating effect of goal orientation. Poster presented at the annual
             meeting of the Korean Counseling Psychological Association, Seoul.

- Suh, H., & Lee, D-G. (October, 2010). A moderating effect of evaluative perfectionism in the relationship
             between covert narcissism and social anxiety. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
             Korean Counseling Psychological Association, Seoul.

- Suh, H., Lee, D-G., Choi, Y., & Ghil, M. (August, 2010). The concept map of perfectionistic self-presentation
            in Korean college students. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
            Association, San Diego: CA.

- Choi, Y., & Lee, D-G. (August, 2010). Self-compassion mediating social comparison and psychological
            distress in Korea.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
            Association, San Diego: CA.

- Lee, D-G., Lee, H-K., & Choi, Y. (August, 2008). Validation of Dispositional Hope Scale in Korea.
            The annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

- Lee, D-G., Park, H-J., & Heppner, M. J. (2008). Does problem-solving appraisal predict career
            counseling outcomes or vice versa? The Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
            Association, Boston, MA.

- Heppner, M. J., Heppner, P. P., Wang, L., Wang Y., Lee, D-G., & Park, H-J. (2008).
            Coping and beyond: Some outcomes of Fulbright in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting
            of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.??

- Choi, H-Y., Lee, D-G. (2008). Korean’s belief and suppression in emotional expression and
            psychological health. The Annual Meeting of Asian American Psychological Association,
            Boston, MA.

- Wang, Y., Heppner, P. P., Heppner, M. J., Park, H-J., & Lee, D-G. (August, 2007). Problem-solving
            appraisal and coping among Taiwanese sexual violence survivors. Poster presented at
            the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

- Shin, H., Lee, D-G., Lee, S., & Ki, P.? (August, 2007). Social anxiety in Korea: The attachment
            perspective. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
            Association, San Francisco, CA.

- Shin, H., Lee, D-G., Lee, S., & Kim, H. (August, 2007). Test anxiety of Korean high school
            students with high grades. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American
            Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

- Park, H-J., & Lee, D-G. (August, 2007). Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists in Korea.
            Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,
            San Francisco, CA.

- Lee, S., Lee, D-G., Kim, M., & Choi, H. (August, 2007). Locus of Evaluation in Cultural Perspectives.
            Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,
            San Francisco, CA.

- ÃÖÇØ¿¬, À̵¿±Í, ¹Î°æȯ(2006). Á¤¼­Ç¥Çö¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¾ç°¡¼º °³³äÀÇ Å¸´çÈ­ ¿¬±¸. Çѱ¹Á¶»ç¿¬±¸ÇÐȸ
           Ãß°èÇмú´ëȸ ¹ßÇ¥³í¹®Áý.

- Bucur, D. R., & Lee, D-G. (August, 2006). Locus of evaluation measurement: Implications for
            counseling psychology. Poster presented for the annual meeting of the American
            Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

- Lee, D-G., Park, H-J., Shin, Y-J., & Graham, D. (2005, August).
           Validation of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale in South Korea. Paper presented
            for the annual meeting of the Asian American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

- Lee, D-G., Kelly, K. R., Gunn, J., Chapman, M., & Lin, Y-Y. (2005, August). Career indecision subtypes
            in actually undecided students. Paper presented for the annual meeting of the American
            Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

- Lee, D-G., Kelly, K. R., & Edwards, J. K. (2004, July). Procrastination in undecided students.
            Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,
            Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Park, H-J., Lee, D-G., & Heppner, P. P. (2004, July). Mediators between perfectionism and
            psychological distress in Korean college students. Paper presented to the annual meeting
            of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Lee, D-G., Heppner, P. P., & Park, H-J. (2003, August). Procrastination and coping styles among
            Korean college students: A validation study and cluster analysis. Paper presented at the
            meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

- Lee. D-G., Park, H-J., Heppner, P. P., & Heppner, M. J. (2003, August). Validation of the
            East-Asian coping and resolution of trauma scale in Korea. Paper presented at the meeting
            of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

- Heppner, P. P., Heppner, M. J., Lee, D-G., Wang, Y. W., Park, H-J., & Wang, L-F. (2002, August).
            Construction and validation of the East-Asian specific Coping and Resolution with Trauma
            (E-ACART) inventory. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological
            Association, Chicago: IL.

- Heppner, P. P., Lee, D-G., Wei, M., Anderson, C., & Wang, Y. W. (2001, August).
            Does negative affectivity confound the problem solving-psychological adjustment link?
            Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association,
            San Francisco: CA.

- Lee, D-G., Heppner, M. J., McKinnon, L., Heppner, P. P., Multon, K. D., & Gysbers, N. C.
            (2001, August). Examining the role of personal problem solving in the process and outcome
            of career counseling. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological
            Association, San Francisco: CA.

- Heppner, P. P., Pretorius, T. B., Wei, M., Wang, Y. W., & Lee, D-G. (2000, August). Associations
           between problem solving and psychological adjustment in South Africa.? Paper presented
            at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington: D.C.

- Multon, K. D., Heppner, M. J., Gysbers, N. C., Wood, R., Lee, F., Lee, D-G., & McKinnon, L.
            (2000, April).? Development of a taxonomy of career transition resources. Paper presented
            at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans: LA.

- Chen, H. J., Coleman, M., Lee, D-G., Webber, N., & Wood, R. (1999, June). The construction
            of the Missouri Attitudes toward Counseling scale (MAC). Poster presented at the Missouri
            Psychological Association, Lake of the Ozarks: MO.

- Lee, D-G., & Lee, C. H. (1993, August). The relationship between the sequence unit of counselor
            intentions-client reactions and session effectiveness. Paper presented at the First Asian
           Conference in Psychology, Singapore.

B. Invited Presentations

- Lee, D-G. (March, 2005). What educators need to know about Asian international students’
            adjustment to the U.S. Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Purdue University.

- Lee, D-G. (December, 2004). How to apply to U.S. Counseling Psychology Programs.
            The Korean Counseling Psychology Association, Seoul, South Korea.

- Lee, D-G. (December, 2004). How to publish your articles in U.S. journals in Counseling Psychology.
            The Korean Counseling Psychology Association, Seoul, South Korea.

- Peterson, J., Lee, D-G., & Taber-Doughty, T. (2004). School counselors in international dialogue.


- µ¿¾ÆÀϺ¸ ±â»ç: ³²ÀÚ µé¿©´Ùº¸±â 20¼±(12) ÀÏ°ö°¡Áö ³²¼ºÄÞÇ÷º½º
- Ä·ÆÛ½ºÇì·²µå ÀâÁö ±â»ç(Á÷¾÷Ž±¸ 123È£): ŸÀÎÀ» ÀÌÇØÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÇ ¸Å·Â, "ÀÚ, ´ç½ÅÀÇ °í¹ÎÀº ¹«¾ùÀԴϱî?"
- The Junior Herald (2009. 2. 18). Self-esteem affects studying.



- Theories and Practice of Counseling
- Group Therapy
- Advanced Counseling Psychology
- Counseling Psychology Research Practicum
- Abnormal Psychology



- Level-1 Certified Counseling Psychologist (»ó´ã½É¸®»ç 1±Þ 212È£)
- (Korean Counseling Psychological Association)


    Associate Editor                                                                                                                                                                 - Çѱ¹½É¸®ÇÐȸÁö: ÀÏ¹Ý (2013~)

    Editorial Board Member:
    - The Counseling Psychologist (TCP) (2008-10)
    - Journal of Mental Health Counseling (JMHC) (2006-08)
    - Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development (JMCD) (2006-08)

    - Çѱ¹½É¸®ÇÐȸÁö: »ó´ã ¹× ½É¸®Ä¡·á
    - û¼Ò³â»ó´ã¿¬±¸
    - Çѱ¹½É¸®ÇÐȸÁö: Çб³
    - Çѱ¹½É¸®ÇÐȸÁö: »ó´ã ¹× ½É¸®Ä¡·á ¿µ¹®ÆíÁýÀ§¿ø (2005~07)

    Program Reviewer:
    - APA Div. 17 annual conference (2003~06)
    - The International Counseling Psychology Conference (Chicago, 2008)



    - Korean Psychological Association (È«º¸ÀÌ»ç 2007~08)
    - Korean Counseling Psychological Association (ºÎȸÀå, ´ëȸÇù·ÂÀ§¿øÀå, ÇмúÀ§¿øÀå, À̻砿ªÀÓ)
    - American Psychological Association (APA: Á¤È¸¿ø)
    - APA Div. 17 International Section (Internationally-Based Membership Chair) ¿ªÀÓ.

    ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ Àΰ£Çൿ¿¬±¸¼ÒÀå ¿ªÀÓ.                                                                                                                 

    ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ ¾ð¾î¿¬±¸±³À°¿ø ºÎ¿øÀå(2015. 9. ~)


    - ±âº»±ÇÀü¹®»ó´ã°ü ÀڰݱâÁØ Á¤¸³À» À§ÇÑ ¿¬±¸ (±è±¤½Ä, À̵¿±Í, ±ÇÇؼö, 2008), ±¹¹æºÎ.
    - Àü¹®»ó´ã±³»ç ¿î¿µ ¹× È°µ¿ ¸Å´º¾ó (À̱âÇÐ, À̵¿±Í, ¾çÀºÁÖ, ¹èÁÖ¹Ì, ±è¿µ½Å, 2008), ±³À°°úÇбâ¼úºÎ.
    - 2009Çг⵵ °³Æí Áߵ»ç ÀÓ¿ëÈĺ¸ÀÚ ¼±Á¤ °æÀï½ÃÇè Ç¥½Ã°ú¸ñ (½É¸®ÇÐ, »ó´ã)ÀÇ ±³»çÀڰݱâÁØ °³¹ß°ú
    - Æò°¡¿µ¿ª »ó¼¼È­ ¹× ¼ö¾÷ ´É·Â Æò°¡ ¿¬±¸ (°øµ¿¿¬±¸, ¿¬±¸Ã¥ÀÓÀÚ ÀÌÁ¾ÇÑ, 2008), Çѱ¹±³À°°úÁ¤Æò°¡¿ø.
    - ½ÅÁø¿¬±¸ (Locus of Evaluation Inventory Çѱ¹ÆÇÀÇ Å¸´çÈ­ ¹× ½Ç¿ëÈ­ ¿¬±¸, 2007~08), ÇмúÁøÈïÀç´Ü.
    - Safe School Healthy Students Initiative for Montgomery County, Indiana (Trusty, K., Lee, D-G., Peterson,
    - J. S., & Crowder, D., 2004~05), Dept. of Education, USA.
    - A Peer-Prevention Program for Teens Drug-Free Communities (Trusty, K., Lee, D-G., & Peterson, J. S.,
    - 2004~05), Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, USA.
    - Procrastination and personality correlates in undecided students (Lee, D-G., 2004), Purdue Research
    - Foundation Grant.


    - Korean American Scholarship Foundation Award (March, 2004), Midwest Regional Chapter, the Korean
    - American Scholarship Foundation.
    - Paul C. Polmantier Memorial Award (April, 2004), Univ. of Missouri-Columbia.